mana - Gives max green & blue mana stamina - Gives max stamina weapon_all - Gives all weapons (without ammo) coins - Gives up to 50 coins (needed for timed godmode) monstersouls - Gives up to 100 monster souls xp - Gives exerience points so player can upgrade time - Adds 5 minutes to the timer item_healthpotion - Gives 1 health potion item_superhealing - Gives 1 super healing item_fullregen - Gives 1 full regeneration item_respawn - Gives 1 respawn specabilities_all - Gives all special abilities
список предметов для воина:
armor - Gives Armor shield - Gives Shield weapon_handaxe - Gives Handaxe weapon_trimace - Gives Trimace weapon_soa - Gives Skull of Annihilation weapon_warsword - Gives Warsword weapon_battleaxe - Gives Battleaxe weapon_warhammer - Gives Warhammer ammo_soa - Gives Ammo for Skull of Annihilation item_iconofmight - Gives Icon of Might item_iconofdefense - Gives Icon of Defense item_iconofcold - Gives Icon of Cold